Scott Gerber

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With a prominent career in real estate, successfully managing properties for various high-end designer brands, Scott Gerber fell into the hospitality and nightlife business by accident. It started with an unexpected invitation in 1991 to collaborate on a new hotel project with Ian Schrager (legendary cofounder of Studio 54). Today, Gerber Group is a hospitality industry leader, the owner-operator of 15 innovative cocktail bars and restaurants from New York to Santiago, Chile

Words by Jennifer Papa – photo by Katrine Terekhova

What’s been the most vital ingredient to your success?

The people I surround myself with. Gerber Group is a close-knit community, and most of our accomplishments are because of that. Our team members respect and understand one another and that really helps us prosper. It makes for better communication and more efficient work, which lead to more ideas and growth. When everyone on the team feels recognized and supported, the working environment is going to be positive and welcoming, a big key to a successful business. 

 What three words do you think your colleagues would use to describe your leadership?

Focused, demanding, and compassionate.


In business, as in everything, there are good days and bad. What’s your secret mantra when times are hard?

I remind myself how much I love what I do and how lucky I am. When times are tough, I look at all the amazing things we have going on – my great family and how we’re healthy. I’m constantly inspired when I think about the hardworking employees we have at every Gerber Group venue and in our corporate office.

Do you have a mentor or role model when it comes to running a business?

My father. He passed away ten years ago, but he has never stopped guiding or inspiring me.

Gerber Group keeps expanding. When do you think your hunger for growth will be satisfied?

Hopefully, never! As I mentioned earlier, I love the work that I do, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. We expand because we’re passionate about creating places that people enjoy spending time at, and we want to introduce Gerber Group destinations in more places.

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